"Sportona" Where Passion Meets Possibility

Trusted by popular brands

Browse Services

Browse and compare over 100s of services from leading training centres that runs different batches for your convenience. If you are unable to find a suitable program, post a request to receive bids from vendors.

Manage subscription and see areas of improvement

Manage all subscriptions, gain rewards and receive individual feedback on areas that you need to improve to step up your game.

One App to change the way of Coaching for good!

Freedom for Businesses

Sportona is built by the Sports Coaches creating a dynamic platform that is relevant to the coaching business. This means no more struggle to fit your unique business into a rigid application.

Huge Savings

No more social media adverts or paying for services that you do not use. Sportona will connect your business with relevant audience and bring your growth organically.

Gamified Experience

Reward, Retain and build loyalty among your customers through Sportona. Reduce the attrition by gamifying their coaching experience like never before.

See your progress and your passion grow!

We believe that passion grows when you know the efforts you put in show results. We have simplified a system where trainees can see their ranks based on their area and specialty while the vendors can build their reputation too.

Frequently Asked Question and Answer

Below is the most common questions with answers illustrated for a quick browse through. More details can be found in our help centre.

You can book any sports or recreation related services for adults and children (e.g. swimming, football, martial arts) from broad range of vendors.

All subscriptions can be paid via Credit Card & Debit Card processed via regulated payment gateway systems.

There are plethora of benefits which you can read in our Get Started, but in summary; You can manage your subscriptions related to sports and recreation, get individual feedback, compete with other trainees and progress.

Sportona is built by Crown Automation, an organization established in United Kingdom.

Vendors receives an AI Enabled Vendor Management App with many features that are first in the industry. More information can be seen on Vendors Page. 

Yes, indeed. We can offer you a demo and offer you free trial upto 90 days to experience all features and functions before making a decision. Contact Us via Vendor Page.

Yes, that is the best part. Though we have built the Vendor Panel by consulting and countless input from people like you, you can still tweak the platform as per your business.

Vendors can manage their business through both mobile app and via website providing them convenience and enabling them to make instant decisions.

Download our app now to join the early starters for discounts

For the first 1000 subscribers we have planned a special treat providing you with loads of discount on interests you like within your locality so you can enjoy immediately. Join the fastest growing community.

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Special pricing and offers awaits for individuals who subscribe to our waiting list. The Launch is not far away, why not join!